Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo! (Go Do The Hoodoo!) is a song sang by Buster Bumblechops about Big Bad Bill and the rest of the Woolly Blue Hoodoo tribe. The lyrics of the song are in the video itself, making it seem to be some sort of karaoke video. It was released on the 21st December 2011 over at Moshi TV Studios, uploaded on YouTube on the 22nd and mentioned on The Daily Growl on the. Go Do The Hoodoo is a hit song with a catchy animated video. It stars Buster Bumblechops, Big Bad Bill and The Wooly Blue Hoodoos. If you will want to listen to it, it will be coming out on the first Moshi Monster's album called 'Music Rox'.
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
Deep in the jungle, friends kept disappearing
Sent out a search party, they found a clearing
There stood a Moshling all woolly and blue
Stirring a cauldron of hot Hoodoo Stew
Lotions and Potions and Hexes and Spells
Strange Creepy Crawlies and Sweet Jungle Smells
Fried Oobla-Doobla in Coconut Shells
Purple Bananas and Moonlit Gazelles
Don't look now, but I think I heard a twig crack!
Don't look now, but I think I heard a twig crack!
Don't look now, but I think I heard a twig crack!
Don't look now, but I think I heard a twig crack!
Wiping his fur due to great jungle heat,
Bill started pounding a fierce tom tom beat
Putting the limbo bar lower and lower
Accompanied by rumblings from Mount Krakka Blowa
Big Bad Bill, he's-a gonna throw a party
Big Bad Bill, he's-a gonna throw a party
Big Bad Bill, he's-a gonna throw a party
Lotions and Potions, and Hexes and Spells.

Strange Creepy Crawlies and Sweet Jungle Smells
Fried Oobla-Doobla in Coconut Shells
Purple Bananas and Moonlit Gazelles
Gombala Gombala wallawalla hoohaa
Gombala Gombala wallawalla hoohaa
Gombala Gombala wallawalla hoohaa
Gombala Gombala wallawalla hoohaa
Went to a hut, met the Chief of the tribe
He said: 'Do you dig this hip jungle vibe?'
'Well then there's just one more thing I'd prescribe'
'Make like a Hoodoo and then give me FIVE'
Lotions and Potions, and Hexes and Spells.
Strange Creepy Crawlies and Sweet Jungle Smells
Is this a dream or a strange kinda voodoo?

Partying hard with a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
Moshi Monsters
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo