Moshi Monsters Nostalgia is the website that has the best Moshi Monsters codes, cheats, secrets and the only site that gives away FREE memberships!! Moshi Monsters Katsuma, Poppet, Diavlo, Luvli, Furi, Zommer and their Moshling friends of Monstro City are brought to screen for the first time on a mission to retrieve a priceless Moshling egg. CR aka Chad Rocco by day is a graphic artist working in many styles from the Bruce Timm style seen in the DC Animated tales to more cartoony. By night, Chad is the creator and star of Familiar Faces. In that show, he takes a look at cartoon and video game characters people rarely give a second.

Enjoy the blog!

MoshiJune 26, 2013 at 8:35 PM | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Hello, I have quit moshi monsters in 2011. I will no longer write posts or update this blog. However, I still have many tips and useful information for you about moshi monsters.  Have fun and enjoy! Thanks for the 13,000+ views. If you would like to leave me a message, please fill out the contact form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about moshi monsters or blogging. 🙂



**Updated June 19, 2016. Please fill out the form; I’d love to hear from you. So grateful to have received all the views of my blog through search engine browsing. No one probably checks this unsearchable blog anymore, but I still do for the nostalgia. Wow, can’t believe I started this when I was 10 years old. Now, I am 16 and about to apply for college. Time truly flies.