Some of the Ultra-rare Moshlings require seed combinations toattract them.

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Some of the Ultra-rare Moshlings require the completion of aSuper Moshi Mission.
Some of the Ultra-rare Moshlings require a code, but the code isunique and can only be used one time, so can not be shared withothers.

There is only one Ultra-rare Moshling with a code that can beshared and that Moshling is Roxy:
101 ^Roxy the Precious Prism [Secrets] Ultra Rare:Radiant Roxy Rose, any flower, any flower
To get the Radiant Roxy Rose seed, enter HOBBIDIDANCE (in alluppercase) as the secret code on the login screen. This code (likeall other codes) can only be used once. Then plant the Radiant RoxyRose, any seed, any seed.
077 - Waldo (nerdy Squirrel) >> Pink Love + Purple/BlackDragon + Red Star.
078 - Burnie (dragon) >> Red apple + Red apple + Bluedaisy
079 - Gigi (unicorn) >> Blue Pepper + Red Moon + YellowPepper.
081 - Bonkers (squirrel carrying an acorn) = Black Daisy + PinkMoon + Black Dragon

082 - General Fuzukie (warrior) >> Yellow Love + PurpleStar + Red Pepper.
083 - Gurgle (dragon) >> Red Dragon + Yellow Magic +Purple Love.
087 - ShiShi (panda) >> Black daisy + Yellow pepper + Reddragon.
088 - Oddie (doughnut) >> Yellow Star + Black Star +Purple Star.
089 - Big Bad Bill (VooDoo guy) >> Yellow Love + BlackStar + Blue Star.
091 - Cutie Pie (cup cake) >> Pink star + Purple Daisy +Blue Dragon
100 - IGGY (floating purple loading guy) >> Purpledaisy+Purple daisy+Black moon orchid. add me on moshi monsters imelyk10 rate my room fives