Aug 09, 2012 -Moshi Monsters⎢Season 2 Mission 6 - Welcome to Jollywood- The First posted guide on YouTube! This video shows you how to complete mission 6, and how to get Bobi Singsong! Enjoy and please. Sep 18, 2017 Moshi Monsters Series 2 Surprise Opening with RadioJH Audrey!rLove my friend Audrey! Shes my special guest today!!! Check it out! Thanks For Watching!rrIf you havent already, check out her channel here: rrrPlease follow us on Google + - rrPlease follow us on INSTAGRAM. Moshi Monsters Moshling Figure - Series 1 - ULTRA RARE GOLD IGGY - #100. More buying choices £3.99 (1 used offer) Moshi Monsters Series 1 Angel No.24 Moshling Figure. 4.0 out of 5 stars 2. More buying choices £2.85 (2 new offers) Ages: 3 years and up. Moshi Monsters Series 6 Foil Pack.
Posted on July 11, 2012 in Super Moshi Missions and Season 2. - Comments [1]
Let’s take a look at the second season two mission “Sandy Drain Shenanigans”
We find our Super Moshi looking for another of Captain Squirk’s crew members at the Famous Sandy Drain Hotel run by the intimidating Frau Now BrownKau.
Sandy Drain Hotel Reception
After talking to Simon Grown you end up in the reception of the Sandy Drain Hotel. Looking rather fearsome behind the reception desk is Frau Now BrownKau, a rather fearsome looking cow and also the manager of the hotel.
Talk to her. She’ll ask you if you want a room.
“No,I’m ok… Is there something wrong with your mouth?”
She’ll tell you that she’s got these new teeth, but that they don’t fit properly and that the hotel is for paying guests only. (And at 5 million Rox per night, I don’t think it’s somewhere that we’re going to be able to afford!)
But she’ll ask you to do her a favour and help her find here real teeth! If we can find her teeth then we can stay!
“Ok, that sounds fair.”
While you’re in the reception, pick up the broken Tiki torch.
Pick up Frau’s teeth by the pool
Once we’re out by the pool you should see a glass of water on the left hand side of the screen (just under the reception sign.)
If you look carefully you’ll probably notice that there’s a set of false teeth in there!
Pick up the teeth.
If you talk to Zack Binspin and ask him for an autograph he’ll ask you for a pen (now where have we seen a pen before? There was one in the reception right?)
You’ll also notice that there’s a keycard to Spa 3 at the bottom of the pool, but we can’t get that yet.
So let’s go back to the reception and give the teeth to Faru Now BrownKow
Give Frau Now BrownKow here teeth
Open your luggage and give Frau her teeth! Oh, and who’s this little character – out will pop the moshling Rofl, the Jabbering Jibberling!
Talk to Rofl. When you ask him if he’s seen a Zoshling he’ll revel that Faru, is keeping some weird pet in Spa room 3. (Hmm, that was the one with the keycard at the bottom of the pool!)
Somehow we’re going to need to get the keycard. Rofl also tells you that the other celebrities leave their keycards in their safety deposit boxes.
Behind Faru, you’ll see three safety deposit boxes, the bottom two are labelled “S-GROWL” and “ZACKBINSPIN.”
Unfortunately you can’t get to them while Frau is in the room she’ll just say “That’s private!”
Ah, now you’ve found Frau’s teeth she’ll let you use the phone. (You’re going to need to be quick for this bit!)
Click on the phone, Frau will walk off to the Pool and while she’s gone you can quickly grab the pen! Whoo!
Get Zack’s Autograph
Once you’ve got the pen, let’s go back to Zack and get his autograph.
Talk to Zack and see if he’ll give us an autograph! Now we’ve got the pen he’ll be able to. He’ll give you a signed photograph.
Take a close look at the bottom of the photo – notice the 301 in the circle? That couldn’t possibly be the code for Zack’s safety deposit box now could it?
At this point, Frau appears and tells everyone to got o their Spa rooms for treatment. You’ll go to Reception and she’ll leave Rofl in charge.
Let’s open Zack’s Safety deposit box. Click on the box and then click on each of the rings so that the numbers line up with the little triangle marker to read “301”.
Once you’ve done this you’ll get the Spa 1 keycard!
EPIC – While we’re here, let’s see if we can get into Simon Growl’s box. Click on his box and take a close look at the number rings. You’ll see that there on each ring there’s a Moshi Monster symbol (one that’s not a number.) Click on the rings to line up these symbols and you’ll open Simon’s box. You’ll then see an EPIC behind reception. Let’s click on it quick!
Back to the pool again.
Head back to the pool again and you’ll see that there’s nobody there. They are all in their Spa rooms getting treatment.
We’ve got the keycard to Spa 1, so let’s give that one a go first.
Open your luggage and drag the Spa 1 keycard onto the SPA 1 door to unlock it, then click on the door to enter.
In here, you’ll find Zack is sitting in the chair in rather a predicament. Frau has poured gloop all over him and his hair is growing out of control!
Let’s see if we can help!
Click on the hair trimmers on the left and then drag them onto Zack… Oh no, it looks like they’re no match for Zack’s hair. They’re broken. We’re going to need something with a little more bite!
Head back to the reception via the pool.
Collecting ROFL from reception.
Click on Rofl to tell him that Zack is being suffocated by his own hair! Rofl suggest that maybe he can help.
Open your pack and pass Rofl the broken clippers. He’ll jump right in and replace the blades with his own snappy teeth to give you Rofl Clippers!
Now let’s head back to the Spa 1 via the Pool and rescue Zack!
Rescue Zack from his own hair!
Once back in Spa 1, open your pack again. This is where we’ll use the new Rofl Clippers to cut Zacks’ hair.
Keep dragging the clippers out and dropping them onto the bottom of Zacks hair.
You’ll need to do this a few times, but finally you’ll have trimmed Zack’s hair back to it’s usual mop-top look!
Now talk to Zack. He’ll tell you that Frau has gone to Spa 3.
EPIC – Look in the sink to the right of Zack. You should see that there’s another EPIC award there! Before you leave the Spa, snap it up!
Notice the Fish? See the hook in it’s mouth? Well, you can’t just click on the fish to grab the hook, you need to use the Tiki Torch to grab it.
Drag the torch onto the fish and you’ll get the hook and it’ll be handily attached to the end of the torch!
Get the Spa 3 card from the Pool
Exit the Spa and go back to the pool. Now we need to get the Spa 3 keycard from the pool.
You can’t use the staff to hook the card, but you can use it to pull the plug our of the swimming pool!
Ahhrgh! Looks like the Spa 3 keycard has just gone down the plug! But wait.. phew, it’s just been spat out again!
Pick up the Spa 3 keycard. You can use the keycard on SPA
Confront Frau in Spa 3
Oh no! What’s Frau up to? We’re going to help ROFL avoid Frau’s gloop gun by hiding behind objects! We’re going to have to rescue the Zoshling!
EPIC – But wait! Before we start take a look at the left hand side of the screen. You should see a blue support beam with three holes in it. In the bottom hole you should see the “M” from an EPIC award. Quickly pick up this EPIC!
Now, wait until Frau has squirted some gloop and then click on the next object to get Rofl to run for cover!
First, run to the green wooden box with handles. Then click on the two boxes stacked up on each other. Third, hide behind the green box with the slightly broken lid.
Remember to wait between squirts, and then make a sash for the trolley with the purple boxes on it. (Wait for Frau to squirt the gloop as high as possible before making your run!)
Finally click on the open end of a tube (glowing red) and then you’ll win! You’ll rescue First Officer Ooze!
Talk to Captain Squirk, click on Rofl to add him to your Zoo and that’s it! With your three epics, you’ll win another 500 rox (for the first time you complete the mission with three epics!)
Posted on April 09, 2012 in Super Moshi Missions and Season 2. - Comments [5]
A strange UFO has crashed on Music Island and the Super-Moshi’s investigate, but getting to the Island and the crash site turns our to be more of a challenge than you’d expect.
New for the second series of Super-Moshi missions are the EPIC awards. If you can find all three then you’ll get 500 bonus rocks. (You only get this the first time you find them all.)
Simon Growl’s Mansion
When you get to Simon Growls mansion you’ll find that his plane isn’t in the best condition and certainly not capable to fly to Music Island. You’re going to have to fix it.
EPIC – Before we start, open the door on the left hand side of Simon Growls mansion. You’ll find an EPIC just inside the door. Click on this quick!
The location of the wing screws
The first thing you need to do, is to fix Simon Growls plane. You’ll need to find six screws to re-attach the wing. They can be a little hard to find. There’s one by the Door and one near the deck chair.
The easiest screw to find is the one that’s underneath the wing. There other two can be found near Zack Binspin. There’s one under the rug he’s standing on and one in the bin. You can see the locations marked on the image below.
The Sixth Screw
Ah, but where is the sixth screw? In order to get the last screw you’ll need to talk to Zack Binspin. You’ll need to persuade him that you’re a true fan for him to give you the screw.
First you have to guess who he is:
“Are you Zack Binspin?”
As long as you have examined the wing, you’ll be able to talk some more. In order to prove that you’re a true fan, you have to talk to Zach as follows:
- “I Like you hair, It’s really long!”
- “Moptop Tweenybop is my favourite song!”
- “I’ve tried to meet you at Brashcan Alley”
He’ll then give you something to help mend the wing – a screw!
Once you’ve got all six screws, open your backpack and drag a screw onto the wing to start fixing it. To screw the screws in, you’ll need to:
- Click on the screw to place it into the hole.
- Move your mouse pointer around the screw anti-clockwise.
Cleaning the windscreen
This is no trouble at all, just click on the windscreen to start and then click on the funny squashed bugs to remove them. Easy.
Pumping up the tire
To pump up the plane’s tyre you’ll need to pick up the Pump-o-matic 2000 hand-pump from near the deck-chair. It’s got a red handle. Drag the pump onto the tyres and then keep clicking on the pump to pump the tyres up.
Moshi Monsters Computer Game
Now you’re ready to take off! You’ll need to talk to Simon Growl.
Taking off
In order to take off you’ll need to keep tapping the space-bar. This will make the plane travel faster and faster down the runway. It doesn’t matter how quickly you press the space bar, but the quicker you do it – the quicker you’ll take off on your way to Music Island.
Music Island
Once you arrive on Music Island you’ll bump into Buster Bumblechops who’s on an expedition to find a rare nutties moshling. Buster offers to take you to the jungle, but he needs your help to collect his luggage first.
You’ll find yourself in the airport with all the luggage whizzing past on the conveyor belt. You have to click on Buster’s luggage.
You’ll need to click on the Buster’s camera, Buster’s moshling net and Buster’s Travel Trunk.
You’ll also want to grab the purple cage – it’s a Haircase.
Series 2 Moshi Monsters
EPIC – Once you’ve got everything, open your pouch and drag the haircase to Simon Growl. He’ll say thank-you and leave, but left in his play in the airport will be the second Super Moshi Epic Award! Quickly pick this up!
Now give Buster his things, drag them from your pouch to Buster.
Once he’s got his luggage it’s off to the jungle we go!
In the jungle
As you appear in the Jungle, you’ll hear Buster calling you from the right. Before you go and find out what he wants take note of the little yellow frog to your left – you’ll need to come back and pick it up later.
Talk to Buster and he’ll tell you that you need to find some Mungus Bells. These are the little green flowers at the top of the screen above buster.
Click on these flowers and the moshling CocoLoco will appear in the tree.
Now, you’ll need to try and entice the moshling down. To do this you’ll need to play some music. You’ll need to find some musical instruments and a Frogestra.
Complete the Frogestra
If you click on the two frogs sitting on a leaf, you’ll find out that they’re short of a Croaker. Remember that little yellow frog we spotted at the beginning?
Go back to the left and pick the little fellow up, then open your pouch and place him back next to his friends.
Now we need to find some music instruments. You’ll find that there are some plants that you can select.
The first is three purple flowers that look like drums. Click on them and Buster will tell you that they’re Bongonium Flowers.
Next click on the long part of the tree that looks a little like a saxophone, just behind Buster. It’s a Saxoak.
The last thing to find is just to the left of the Bongoniums. You’ll see a curved row of blue things just above and to the left of Buster. This is a Marimba.
Start the CocoLoco Call
Now Buster will play the instruments and all you have to do is to copy what Buster does and play them again in the right order.
He’ll play three short tunes. Play the instruments in the following order:
1. Marimba, Frogestra.

2. Bongonium Flowers, Frogestra, Marimba
3. Frogestra, Marimba, Bongonium Flowers, Saxoak.
Once you play this tune, all the instruments will burst into life and play some music.
CocoLogo will jump down and run off. He’ll lead you through the dark tunnel to a clearing where you’ll find a crashed UFO and Captain Squirk.
Captain Squirk and the UFO
EPIC – Take a look behind the grass in the bottom right hand corner. There’s an EPIC award just hiding behind the grass. Grab this quickly before you talk to Captain Squirk.
Talk to Captain Squirk now and he’ll tell you all about Zoshlings, his planet, and how his spaceship got whacked by a giant glove and crashed.
He needs help finding his crew who have become scattered around Music Island.
Pick up CocoLoco and you’ll find yourself inside Squirk’s space ship.
Talk to Squirk again and he’ll tell you about his Spaceship, the Rhapsody 2 and show you the on board computer.
Squirk will contact you when the next crew member has been found!
Congratulations, you’ve completed the mission!