Feb 25, 2020 Welcome to My Singing Monsters! Breed them, feed them, listen to them sing! Raise a monster pet, then feed your musical monster to help them grow. Take care of a collection of fun monster characters in this free musical game for the whole family! Create an island full of Singing Monsters, then watch your song evolve as you breed and upgrade happy monster pets. Design and build unique.
Humphrey is a grey hippo with a straw hat on and a piece ofwheat in his mouth.
Jeepers is a yellow Tiger with black stripes on it has rosy redcheeks.
Burnie is a red Dragon with yellow patches on it has yellowhorns.
ShiShi is a white Panda with black ears and patches.
DJ Quack is a yellow duck with an orange chest it has redsunglasses.
Tiki is a black Toucan with a yellow, black and red stripey beakand coloured feathers.
Peppy is a black penguin with a white chest it has a black hatwith a skull on and red flying glasses.
Prof. Purplex is a dark purple Owl with light Purple patches ithas yellow feet.
Snookums is a blue Dinosaur with a white chest and pinkspikes.
Doris is a Purple Dinosaur with a white horn and yellow stripesit wears a pink bow.
Pooky is a green Dinosaur with yellow cheeks it has an eggshellon his head.
Gurgle is a green Dinosaur with yellow wings.
Stanley is a dark pink Seahorse with a light pink chest.
Blurp is a green Puffer fish it is fat and spiky.

Fumble is an orange Starfish it has yellow spots on.
Cali is a pink mermaid with a green tail it has purple hair andwears a yellow headband with a heart on.
Dipsy is a pink cloud with blue legs and white arms.
Flumpy is a white fuzzball with pink legs and arms it wearsbrown shoes.
Honey is a white Bunny who wears a white top with red spots onshe has purple shoes.
Iggy is a purple fuzzball that bites your mouse.
Coolio is a brown ice cream cone with yellow orange and red icecream ontop.
Hansel is a brown gingerbread man it has two pink buttons andwhite icing.
Oddie is a doughnut with pink icing all over it has blue pinkand yellow sprinkles.
Cutie pie is a brown cupcake on wheels it has white icing ontopand multicoloured sprinkles and a red cherry ontop of that.
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Gingersnap is a brown engineer cat with a scar on his face hewears a green hat.
Purdy is a dark pink cat with a blue bow in her hair.
Lady Meowford is a white cat she wears a pink top and has a pinkheart on her face.
Waldo is a nerdy Squirrel he is light brown and wearsglasses.
Chop Chop is a brown monkey with a red band around his head.
Shelby is a green turtle with a brown shell.
Sooki Yaki is a pink cat with black clothes she walks on hertail.
General Fuzuki is a samuri with a green hat and a silversword.
Angel is a pink winged unicorn with white wings and horns shehas a white star on her side.
Priscilla is a Light brown horse with dark brown mane she wearsa gold crown a gold bow gold earings and a gold necklace.
Mr Snoodles is an orange elephant with yellow spots it has greenears.
Gigi is a white unicorn with a dark pink blue and purple maneshe has two yellow stars on her side.
Fifi is a white poochie with a red heart in her hair.
McNulty is a dark brown Yap Yap with white and light brownpatches.
White Fang is a white Husky with black patches on and pink earsand a pink nose.
Scamp is a ginger Froggie doggie which wears a green frogcostume.
Roxy is a dark pink diamond.
Lady Goo Goo is a yellow duck who wears a pink bonnet a pinkdummy black sunglasses and a white diaper.