Moshi Monsters Photo: Moshling Roxy And How To Get Her In Discription Hello, my name's Roxy! Help me out of this stick situation in BONUS level Please handle me with care though, I'm a Moshling so priceless I'm too scared to lay a finger on anything, including myself!
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Snow Way Out! is the ninth Moshi Monsters mission.
It begins with a recap of the previous mission, 'Spooktacular Spectacular', in which Simon Growl got kidnapped at a party and, upon being saved by the Super Moshis, gave them his Mini Moshifone and information on CLONC's hideout on Mount Sillimanjaro.
Your monster and Gabby are at the bottom of Mount Sillimanjaro. If you scroll, there is a cable car, that is broken. Gabby suggests you investigate it to see what's wrong. Click the cable car's side door and it reveals a cog is missing. Click on Gabby to ask her for help. Being a talking cell phone and all, she suggests you look at her apps. They are Moshi Tunes (for music), Glumpass (for directions), GooTube (to watch videos of goo), Sicktionary (a dictionary about sick), Cow (a joke app), and the needed one: Gabby's Laser. When you click the laser app, she will load it. Then, click on the snow mounds so she can melt them. One of them reveals Captain Buck, who's lost his way but is fine. Another reveals a snowman with his head missing, which you click to put it in your inventory (the blue bag on the far right). Two mounds reveal some wild mushrooms and a frozen glump (which are useless), and the last one reveals the cog. Click it, then open your inventory and drag it onto the cable car. Next up is a game where you hit space over and over to get to the top.
You arrive in a hut belonging to Elder Furi. Click on a snow coat, boots and goggles to collect them. Then click on a diary to read it. It says, 'Dear Diary, Finally! My crack force of Strangeglove hunting Musky Huskies is complete! Unfortunately, the only way to get these lazy pooches up and ready is to use my mystically infused Dog whistle. The first hint to finding it can be found on page 13 of a book that's yellow and green! Elder Furi.' Then, click the X to close the diary. Look on the bookshelf and click on the yellow and green book once you've found it. It says, 'With these four specially trained and delightfully coloured pups, we should have no problem hunting down the evil doctor. The final hint in the hunt for the wonder whistle can be found on page 19 of a red book. With a diamond in a diamond upon its spine.' Close the book, then click on the red book with the diamonds. Inside the book is a scrap of fabric and the words, 'By letting the dogs have a good sniff of this piece of Strangeglove's coat, they've now caught his scent! The whistle can be found in a purple book, page 3 of a book with an odd number of spots on its spine.' Click the X, then find and click on the book. You will have found the whistle. Click on it, then open your inventory and onto your monster to wake the dogs. Then, drag a piece of snow gear onto yourself and it will cut to a game in which you use the mouse to avoid the obstacles while on a dog sled.
At the top of the mountain, you enter the base, only to find that it's not a real building and you're locked in a cage. Strangeglove is there, boasting about how you're done for and were easy to trick and that he's working on a weapon that you'll never find. You point out that Strangeglove is bonkers because Elder Furi will never let that happen, but Strangeglove says that he has special plans for him. When you say that Elder Furi is too smart, Strangeglove reveals that Simon Growl kidnapped himself as a trick. Strangeglove admits that he's afraid of Musky Huskies, but then goes on about how he will plunge Monstro City into eternal darkness and broadcast it all over the swooniverse. Then, he takes off his glove and replaces it with a comb to comb his mustache. Open your inventory and whistle for the dogs, who run towards Strangeglove but the glumps are in the way. Click on Gabby to ask her for advice. She asks for the Sonic Sapphire to hypnotise the Glumps with. Click your inventory and drag the sapphire onto Gabby, then click Gabby and select Moshi Tunes from her app menu. The hypnosis doesn't work on the glumps, but it works on the glove. Click on Strangeglove and the glove will tickle him. Strangeglove will think the Glumps did it and kick them away. Click on the dogs and they will scare Strangeglove away, leading to him dropping a key. Click on it and the glove will pass you the key. The glove then runs back to Strangeglove due to Gabby's battery running low. Open your inventory and use the key. Then, a voice speaks from under snow, so click Gabby and use her laser app to melt the snow. It is a snowman's head, who got kicked by Strangeglove and his body fell down the mountain. The snowman, Tomba, is sad but you cheer him up by promising to give him the snowman body you found. Use the inventory to give it to him. Then, click Tomba to adopt him.
Then, you're at the volcano and Elder Furi worries that you've caught a cold and you say that you're fine but talk to him about the trap, Simon Growl and the super weapon. You then tell Elder Furi about how you got out of the trap. Elder Furi tells you to stay vigilant and find the glove so that Strangeglove will not get away.
This mission provides examples of
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal:
- Tomba wears a hat, scarf, boots and mittens.
- The Super Moshis wear capes, belts and masks.
- Ned the Glump has his glasses.
- Captain Buck has his hat and eyepatch.
- Action Girl: Gabby is by your side at the snow.
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: One of the Musky Huskies is blue, another is pink.
- Animate Inanimate Object: This mission features a snowman, cell phone and glove as characters.
- Bad People Abuse Animals: Strangeglove kicks a Wistful Snowtot down Sillimanjaro.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Elder Furi wears his shroud but no shoes.
- Batman Gambit: This mission revealed that Simon kidnapped himself, knowing that the Super Moshis will save him, so he can lie about where the weapon is.
- Blue Is Heroic: Your Super Moshi's belt is blue.
- Call-Back: The events of Spooktacular Spectacular are mentioned and are a major plot point.
- Cartoon Creature: Both Simon Growl and Dr Strangeglove are humanoid creatures with an unknown species.
- Chekhov's Gun: The snowman body and snoic sapphire both get used later on in the mission.
- Damsel in Distress: Gabby gets locked in the cage with you.
- Dark Is Evil: Strangeglove wears dark clothes and wishes to plunge Monstro City into darkness.
- Distressed Dude: Subverted for Simon Growl when it's revealed he kidnapped himself and played straight for Tomba when his body was missing.
- Dressed to Plunder: Captain Buck can be seen in his hat and eyepatch.
- The Eeyore: Tomba is often sad (a trait of his species) but he can be cheered up.
- Evil Is Deathly Cold: Subverted. It looks like the villains' base is on a snowy mountain, but it turns out to be a trap.
- Evil Plan: Dr Strangeglove apparently plans to use a super weapon to plunge Monstro City into darkness. He also apparently 'has special plans for [Elder Furi].'
- Fantastic Racism:
- Tomba and all other Wistful Snowtots apparently dislike Funny Bunnies because they nibble noses.
- Dr Strangeglove 'can't stand' Musky Huskies because he's afraid of them.
- Fully Dressed Cartoon Animal: Simon Growl and Strangeglove wear full sets of clothes, and your monster temporarily does when it puts on snow clothes.
- Fun with Acronyms: The Criminal League Of Naughty Critters (or C.L.O.N.C.) feature as villains again.
- Heavy Sleeper: The only way to wake the Musky Huskies up from their nap is with the dog whistle.
- Liar Revealed: This mission reveals that Simon Growl lied about the super weapon's whereabouts.
- Mass Hypnosis: Zigzagged. Gabby tries to hypnotise the Glumps, but it only works on Strangeglove's glove.
- Mister Strangenoun: Simon Growl is mentioned.
- Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: Strangeglove, the evil doctor, is a main antagonist.
- Plot Twist: This mission reveals that Simon Growl is working for CLONC.
- Pun: 'Cow' is said to be an 'amoosing' app.
- Red Is Heroic: Your Super Moshi wears a red cape and mask.
- Snowlems: Tomba is a living snowman.
- Superheroes Wear Capes: Your Super Moshi wears its cape.
- Volcano Lair: The Super Moshi HQ is inside a volcano, where you go to at the end.
- White Gloves: Strangeglove wears a white glove on his left hand.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Dr Strangeglove is afraid of Musky Huskies, which is exploited when the good guys use them to scare him away.
Posted on May 21, 2013 in Super Moshi Missions and Season 2. - No comments
Now that we’ve fixed our escape pod and launched into space we find ourselves hurtling through the stars as we attempt to rescue the Zoshlings from the evil clutches of CLONC.
We’re heading towards a strange red nebula and what appears to be the CLONC secret base. After a quick skirmish with some Glumps, we land on board the CLONC space station – next to the Zoshling’s UFO.
And who’s here too? It’s none other than Sprocket and Hubbs!
Talk to Sprockett and Hubbs
Click on Sprockett and Hubbs to start a conversation.
“What happened to the Zoshlings?” you ask.
“Super Moshi! That were captured and taken away by CLONC!”
Click on “Why didn’t you get captured?”
“We hid with the tin cans in the trash pile!” Sprockett and Tubbs explain.
Click on “Where did they take them?”
“Our scanners indicate they are being held in the *Cell Block F.”
The screen shows the hangers and scrolls to the right to show a purple circular door, guarded by a purple Glump Guard. We’d have to get past him!
“You need to get through that door! Hurry! Before we’re discovered!” say Sprockett and Hubbs.
Escape the Hangar Bay
“That Glump Guard has a Key”
Above the Glump Guard is a yellow tube and next to it is a button with the label “Suck”. Looks like we have to suck the Glump into the tube!
Click on the “Suck” button.
“Looks like it won’t turn on without power.”
There’s a power indicator just next to the suck button. Do you see it? Connected to it by two stripy green pipes are another couple of buttons. To turn on the power we need to press those buttons.
Click on one of the buttons.
The button will go green before turning back off again after a couple of seconds.
“That button doesn’t stay on! Someone else needs to hold it down,” you say to yourself.
Click on Sprockett and Hubbs to start a conversation.
“My scan shows a complex mechanism which could require a complete rework of the system!”
“OR we can hold one button down whilst Super Moshi presses the other?”
“… Yes that will work too.”
Sprockett and Tubbs are now standing next to the left hand button.
Click on the right hand button to turn on the suction.
The Glump Guard get’s sucked right off his chair and into the pipe!
Get the key
“That seems to have done the trick. Let’s grab the Key!” you say.
EPIC Before you grab they key, there’s an epic to collect. Look at the very far end of the hangar bay and you’ll see an epic floating past. As it floats by, click on it! (It’s a bit tricky, you might have to scroll to the left a little)
Click on the key, dangling from the Glump to pick it up.
It seems as if the key was the only thing stopping the glump from getting sucked into the pipe!
A conversation starts with Sprockett and Hubbs.
“You have the key! You can leave! Good luck Super Moshi!”
Leave the Hangar Bay
Scroll to the right so that you can see the big round purple door.
Click on the door.
“Let’s use the key we just collected on this door.”
Open your inventory and drag they key out onto the purple door which will then open to reveal Gabby!
“We are saved!” says Gabby and a conversation starts.
“Super Moshi! There are hundreds of moshlings trapped next door!” says Gabby.
“I managed to escape, but there are Mutant Glump Sharks guarding them! You have to free them!”
The conversations switches to Sprockett and Hubbs.
“Our scanners are reading a huge amount of odd Glump activity in the next room!” they say.
Click on “What shall I do?”
The screne changes back to the Hanger and Sprockett and Huggs give you some instructions.
“First find a container and take some of this De-Glumping Goo next to us.” they tell you.
You’ll see the red barrels of goo next to Sprockett and Huggs flashing yellow.
“Then put it into the Escape Pod’s Blaster and you are ready to blast some glumps.”
Get the De-Glump Goo
Scroll to the right and click on the mug sitting next to the purple char that the glump guard was sitting on.
“I have this Mug!”
Now open your inventory and drag the mug onto the red barrels of green goo next to Sprocket and Hubbs.
“I have a mug full of De-Glumping Goo! Let’s put this in the Blaster.”
Drag the mug of goo onto the blaster on the site of the escape pod.
“You are ready to leave Super Moshi. Good Luck!” says Sprockett and Hubbs.
Scroll to the right and click on the door to leave.
Mutant Glump Sharks – Mini-game
“Get ready to De-Glump those Mutant Glump Sharks!!!”
You’ll find your escape pod flying around in Cell Block F. Also flying about are “Mutant Glump Sharks!”
All you need to do is move your escape pod around by moving the mouse to eliminate the Glumps.
Once you’ve got all the Glumps, you’ll see Moshlings escape from the two prison pods at the back.
Once you’ve done this you can enter the pod on left at the front. It looks like it’s all frozen. (The other pod has a padlock on it. You can’t get into it yet. “We need something to get through these chains!”)
Move your mouse onto the frozen pod to fly the escape pod to it.
Speak to Tomba
You find yourself in a frozen pod. Judder is frozen into the ice and Tomba is looking all sad.
“Brrr! It’s freezing in here!” you say.
Click on Tomba to start a conversation.
“Hey Tomba! What are you doing here?”
“Oh hey Super Moshi, I was captured and put in this cell.” says Tomba.
“Don’t think I will ever escape…”
Click on “Who’s in that ice block?”
“It’s the moshling Judder.” replies Tomba.
“They put him ICE-olation because he kept breaking things!”
“Maybe you can save him too?”
Help Judder
Click on the round purple thing hanging from the ceiling. It’s the heater controls.
You’ll see a large version of the heater showing a Glump at different temperatures.
“This heater should be able to melt some of the ice! But it’s broken, it needs a new pointer!”
Click on the “X” to return to the frozen pod.
So where are we going to find another pointer!
Click on Tomba to talk to him. It’ll start a conversation.

Select “Do you know what CLONC are up to?”
“Sorry, I don’t know, I’ve been locked up in here all the time.” says Tomba.
Click on “How did you get captured?”
“I was chilling out on Mount Sillimanjaro, then this bright light appeared. Next thing I know, I am here!”
Click on “Can I borrow your nose?”
“Why do you need my nose?” asks Tomba.
Click on “I need it to help free Judder!”
“Oh really? If it’s to help Judder, please take it!”
The conversation end and you’re back in the frozen room.
“I have Tomba’s nose! Can use this to fix the heater?
Open your inventory and drag Tomba’s carrot nose onto the heater.
You’ll now see the heater with a new pointer!
Click on the carrot to point it to the melted glump on the far right.
Once you’ve done this click on the “X”.
Talk to Judder
We’re back in the pod and the heater has done it’s work and melted all the ice.
“Wow that melted a lot of ice!”
Click on Judder to start a conversation.
“Hey there… you don’t look so good.” you say.
“I think I’ve cau cau cau caught the flu…” says Judder.
“…I feel terrible. I could do with some chicken soup to help me feel better.”
Chicken Soup
Looks like we need to make some chicken soup for the poor fellow.
“Let’s find some ingredients for Judder’s Chicken Soup!”
The first item to collect is the large chicken sitting next to Judder. Click on it to pick it up.
To your left, you’ll see a green packet of peas. Pick this up too.
Now, just below the cooker are some strange worm like object. Click on them to pick them up. They’re not actually worms you’ll be pleased to know, they’re noodles.
Now we need to make some soup!
Click on the purple stove to turn it on.
“I can use this stove, to cook the Chicken Soup.”
Now open your inventory and drag the noodles, the peas and the chicken into the saucepan. The soup will bubble away for a few seconds.
“The chicken soup has finished cooking. Let’s give this to Judder!
Click on the pan of soup to pick it up.
Open your inventory and drag the pan of soup onto Judder.
Judder will perk up instantly and smash his way out of the remainder of the ice!
Judder starts a conversation.
“JJJJJumping Jackhammers, I feel so much Be Be Better!” he says.
Click on “You must still be feeling cold!”
“Nothing like a good ju ju jump on the spot won’t solve!”
“Where are the Zoshlings?” you ask.
“They are being held in the cell block next to us!”
“Great! Can you help me save them?”
“Sure sure sure sure sure thing! We must s s s s s stop CLONC!” says Judder.
“I can br br br break into the next cell for us!”
Collect Judder
Now it might be tempting to pick up Judder at this point – but wait! There’s something we need to do first!”
EPIC – Let’s get another EPIC! Click on the heater again. Click on the carrot until it’s all the way back to the left.
“I can pick up Tomba’s nose again!” you say. Click on the carrot to pick it up. Now open your inventory and give the nose back to Tomba.
“Oh my nose! Thank you Super Moshi!” says Tomba.
You’ll now see an epic on the floor just to your left. Click on it to pick it up!
Now click on Judder. He’ll drill his way out through the floor!
Mutant Glump Sharks – Mini-game
“Oh no! Sharks again!”
The Mutant Glump Sharks are back! Do what you did last time and wipe them out with your escape pod.
Talk to the Glump
Once you’ve got enough of the glumps you’ll appear in the next prison cell where the Zoshlings are held.
“OMG! Are those the Zoshlings?”
“Security alert!!! Who do we have here?” says the purple Glump.
Click on the Glump to start a conversation.
“Hmmm I’ve not seen you before?”
Click on “I am a new CLONC agent!”
“Well if you are new to CLONC that means…” starts the Glump.
“…you’re out new contestant oooon…”
All of a sudden there’s dramatic music and spotlights swinging everywhere before a large sign appears reading…
“… THESQUEAL OF FORTUNE” announces the glump dramatically.
It looks like we’re going to have to play some kind of gameshow!
“…The Squeel of Fortune?” you ask.
Click on the Glump to continue. A conversation will start.
“Welcome to the show! I am your handsome host, Knowledge Head Ned!”
“And what is your name my CLONC comrade?”
Click on “CLONC agent two!”
Great to have you with us! Let’s hope you can win some fabulous prizes!” says Ned.
“Tonights prizes sure are dazzlers!”
Now we’re back in the room again, ready to play the game?
“How would you like to own your very own ZOSHLING?” asks Ned.
“Well!!! Now you can!”
With that the lights change to reveal the four captured Zoshlings.
“Just answer these questions, and they can be yours!”
Back to the conversation screen.
“Let’s begin! Question one please!”
“What was the name of the hotel Frau Now BrownKau was stationed at?” asks Ned.
Click on “Sandy Drain Hotel”
“Correct! And what a nice hotel that is!” says Ned.
“You have also revealed four letters of our secret password!”
Moshi Monsters Gabby Lyrics
“What can it be? Turn over the squares to find out!”
Click on the yellow squares to turn them over. Pick a wrong one and Ned says “Try a different square!”
You need to click on the first, third, forth and last squares to reveal four letter “S“s.
“YES! The first letter is “S”, for SAVE A ZOSHLING!” says Ned.

We’re back in the conversation again for the second question.
“On to question two, prepare yourself!” says Ned.
“You find Mr Snoodle on board the C.L.O.N.C Star, what do you do?”
Our of the three choices, select “Put him in the Glumpatron 3000!”
“Haha Glumpendeous!” says Ned.
Back to the letter board.
“You have another letter! Find the square it is under!”
Moshi Monsters Gabby Douglas
Click on the seventh square to turn over the letter “R” and free another Zoshling.
“The letter “R”, you have RESCUED another Zoshling!” says Ned.
Back into the conversation screen.
“You’re halfway through that means its …”
“You only get one chance to answer this correctly! But get this question right and you are in for an EPIC treat!”
EPIC In order to get the EPIC, you have to answer this question correctly.
“My glump colleague Fishlips, was guarding the hangar bay. What color was his hat?”
Click on “Green”
“Wow that is the correct answer! What a star!”
Click on the EPIC next to Ned.
Back to a conversation “Can this quiz get any better?” says Ned.
“It can! With question three!”
“Which CLONC member went undercover at Cirque du Bon Bon?”
Click on “Sweet Tooth.”
“My favourite agent!” says Ned.
We’re back at the letter’s board.
“Turn over another square for us!” says Ned.
Click on the sixth square to turn over the letter “F”.
“The letter is fantastic “F”! Another Zoshling FREED!”
Back into the conversation again.
“The last CLONCerific question is coming up!”
“You don’t have enough ROX to pay at Yukea. Do you…”
Click on “Steal the Item!”
“Such naughty CLONC behaviour, we love it!” says Ned.
Back to the letters board again.
“An amazing display of CLONC knowledge! Turn over the remaining squares!”
Click on the remaining squares to turn them over and real the letter “A”.
“Oh my! We have a winner tonight!” says Ned.
“The password for the day is…”
“Sassafras?” you ask.
“YES! The most fearsome and cruel naval master on board! Commander SASSAFRAS!”
And with that a movie starts showing Sassafras on board his ship.
Leave the cell
“To the escape pod! Before Sassafras gets here!” you say.
Sassafras Mini-game
You’re in a batter with Sassafras. You need to shot his ship with your green goo.
Move up and down using the mouse and click to fire your goo canon.
As you do, you’ll need to dodge the canon balls that Sassafras is shooting!
Once you’ve hit him enough to get the gauge all the way to the right Sassafras says “Abandon Ship!!!”
Onboard the Escape Pod
Onboard the escape pod with the Zoshlings, Strangeglove appears on the monitor. Click on the monitor to talk to him.
“Mwahahahaha!” he says as a movie starts.
“Saving Zoshlings is one thing, Super Moshi. But defeating CLONC? I don’t think so!” says Strangeglove.
“SILENCESTRANGEGLOVE!!!” says the mysterious person inth big chair. “You’re lucky to even be here! But at least you will witness my greatest triumph… The destruction of the entire Moshi World! The Trubble Satellite’s Deluxe Doom Ray 5000 will melt Sillimanjaro and flood Monstro City! Get in there, sunshine!”
“To be continued…”
Back on board the escape pod, you get the change to add Judder to your zoo. Click on “Keep It” to keep the Moshling.
With that the mission ends.