Moshi Monsters How To Get Willow

Hi guys, today I pre-ordered my Moshi Movie tickets with VUE cinemas and I have some exclusive information to share with you Moshi Maxers…

Remember Willow, the Dainty Deer, who appeared in our Moshling on our codes page. The only one left out was Willow, the Dainty Deer which remained a mystery until recently. So how DO you get Willow? Well, the mystery was solved when Moshi Monsters what you need to do in order to get the code for Willow.

The Moshling you get is the one and only…


Abstract Artiste #129


Is it art or an utter shambles? Who cares because every Abstract Artiste’s ambition is to win the coveted Blurgh-ner Prize For Bafflingly Bonkers Art. That’s why these crazy Moshlings spend all day flicking gluey glitter at passers-by and pickling slices of Oobla Doobla in huge tanks of fluorescent jelly. Magnifique!


Go to Beret Boulevard and you’re sure to find a few Abstract Artistes arguing about the merits of nose painting with marmalade.


Emptying bins over unmade beds and finger painting.


Anything in the Googenheim and art critics.


Plant the Van Goji Berries with two others seed, wait three hours and ta-da! You shall have Splatter 🙂


Comment down below if you have Splatter or are going to get him! Until next time, peace out!

Posted on July 06, 2014 in Moshlings. - Comments [6]

There aren’t many Moshlings that you can get by simply entering a secret code. The exciting news is that Pops the Crazy Kernel Moshling is one such Moshling!

Pops the Crazy Kernel is a Rare Moshlings and joins Lubber and Linton in the Salties Set.

It does look as if Moshi Monsters might have made a mistake when they came to numbering their Moshlings as they’ve given Pops the same number (#210) as Raffy – Oops!

If you buy the Moshi Slopcorn storage tub you get a a code for Pops (as well as an exclusive Pops Moshling figure.) The tub is available from Smyths Toys in the UK for 9.99 and can hold up to 100 Moshlings! (How many Moshlings have you got?!)

It might be a good idea, If it stops your parents stepping on the Moshlings you’ve left all over the floor in the morning!

Moshi Monsters How To Get Willow

It does say that that the Pops is a limited edition Moshling and will only be available online for a limited time only. (So be sure to get him quick!)

How to get Pops the Crazy Kernel

To get Pops you just need to enter this code on the IGGY code screen.

Bop Corn Seed (Pops)

Once you enter the code you’ll get a special seed that you can use to get Pops. The seed will appear in your seed pouch in your Moshling Garden.

Planting the Bop Corn Seed in your Garden

So, what do you do with this seed then? Well, it’s really simple.

First, you’ll need to visit your Moshling Garden.

If you’re already growing plants you’ll need to decide if you want to keep then and wait before you plant your new seed.

Open your seed pouch and plant the new Bop Corn seed along with any other two seed (it doesn’t matter which ones or which order you plant them!)

Pops the Crazy Kernel – Profile

Life’s tricky when you’re likely to explode at any moment, but Crazy Kernels can’t help popping with excitement whenever they spot Moshi Movie Stars. Thankfully these volatile Moshlings return to normal when they calm down, but ker-popping in front of your heroes can be very embarrassing!


  • Species: Crazy Kernel
  • Set: Salties
  • Rarity: Rate


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Crazy Kernels love star spotting in Moshi movie theatres but they mostly hang out in stripy cardboard houses on Corny Corner near the Moshi Fun Park.


  • Likes: Salt and Popty-Pings.
  • Dislikes: Noisy wrappers and being squished into carpets.

H2. Have you got him yet?

So what do you think of Pops, the Crazy Kernel? Have you managed to collect him yet?

Let us know in the comments below.
