Oddie is the rarest moshling and hardest moshling to get becauseOddie shares the same flower combination as Snookums. To get Oddieyou need a yellow star blossom, a black star blossom, and a purplestar blossom. Oddie is the doughnut from the foodies set.
Moshi Monster Foil Collector CardsMoshi Monsters is an online world of adoptable pet monsters for children aged with over 80 million registered users in 150 territories worldwide.Although i did not design the main characters for Moshi Monsters, i.
Ultra rare moshlings
077 Waldo the Tabby Nerdicat [Kitty] Pink Love Berries, anyDragon Fruit, Red Star Blossom
078 *Burnie the Fiery Frazzledragon [Beastie] Red Snap Apple,Red Snap Apple, Blue Crazy Daisy
079 Gigi the Magic Mule [Pony] Blue Hot Silly Pepper, Red MoonOrchid, Yellow Hot Silly Pepper
080 *Cleo the Pretty Pyramid [Worldie] Blue Crazy Daisy, PinkCrazy Daisy, Yellow Snap Apple
082 General Fuzuki the Warrior Wombat [Ninja] Yellow LoveBerries, Purple Star Blossom, Red Hot Silly Pepper
083 Gurgle the Performing Flappasarus [Dino] Red Dragon Fruit,Yellow Magic Beans, Purple Love Berries
084 *Scamp the Froggie Doggie [Puppy] Black Snap Apple, PinkDragon Fruit, Blue Moon Orchid
087 *Shishi the Sneezing Panda [Beastie] Black Crazy Daisy,Yellow Hot Silly Pepper, Red Dragon Fruit
088 Oddie the Sweet Ringy Thingy [Foodie] Yellow Star Blossom,Black Star Blossom, Purple Star Blossom
089 Big Bad Bill the Wooly Blue Hoodoo [Spookie] Yellow LoveBerries, Black Star Blossom, Blue Star Blossom
091 *Cutie Pie the Wheelie YumYum [Foodie] Pink Star Blossom,Blue Dragon Fruit, Purple Crazy Daisy
097 *Mini Ben the Teeny TickTock [Worldie] 3 Black SnapApples
100*^I.G.G.Y. 'I'm Gonna Get Ya!' the Pesky Cursor [Fluffie]Purple Crazy Daisy, Purple Crazy Daisy, Black Moon Orchid
Super ultra rare moshlings

101 Roxy the Precious Prism [Secrets] Ultra Rare: Radiant RoxyRose, any flower, any flower
To get the Radiant Roxy Rose seed, enter HOBBIDIDANCE (in alluppercase) as the secret code on the login screen. This code (likeall other codes) can only be used once. Then plant the Radiant RoxyRose, any seed, any seed.
The code for Roxy the Precious Prism is found in the book,'Moshi Monsters: Moshling Collectors Guide'.
102: *Lady GooGoo the Singing Baby [Secrets] Ultra Rare: SuperMoshi Mission 1: Missing Moshling Egg
103 Blingo the Flashy Fox [Secrets] Ultra Rare

To attract Blingo, you need to enter a secret code when loggingin, which can be found on the last page when you purchase 'Buster'sLost Moshling Book'.
Please be aware this secret code can only be used once.
If you redeem a code successfully, check out your garden seedbag and plant the Hip Hop Hibiscus seed with 2 others to attractthe moshling. When Blingo comes, click on him and press keep, thengo back to your house and check him out.
105: Wurley the Twirly Tiddlycopter [Techies] Ultra Rare:Mission 2: Voyage Under Potion Ocean
106: Plinky the Squeezy Tinklehuff [Tunies] Ultra Rare: Mission3: Strangeglove From Above
108 **Nipper the Titchy TrundleBot [Techies] Ultra Rare
To attract Nipper, you have to buy the Moshi Monsters: MoshlingZoo game for Nintendo DS. The game comes with a code to get theRobo Dendron seed. Plant the Robo Dendron seed with two other seedsand you will get Nipper.
Note: the code is a one-time use, non-sharable code and can onlybe used once.
109: *CocoLoco the Naughty Nutter [Nutties] Ultra-Rare: Season 2Super Moshi Mission 1: A Close Encounter of the Zoshi Kind
Monstro City is full of fantastic mini games to play – and here are all the tactics and secrets you need to hit those high scores! Get down to the Moshi Fun Park and play your way to triumph! Packed with top tips from Raarghly, the Games Starcade’s expert extraterrestrial, this awesome gaming guide gives you the strategies you need to excel at over 40 favourite mini games. Plus, there’s a FREE exclusive virtual gift for your monster’s room – so prepare to get your game on!
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Moshi Monsters Word Search
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I don’t like Moshi Monsters, and I didn’t find this book all that helpful really.
8 March 2013
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17 November 2011
Never read it, I don’t play games on Moshi much apart from Ice-Scream, Moshling Boshling and Oddie’s Doughnut Dash.
4 August 2011
love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19 July 2011
loved it
1 July 2011
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