The following Moshlings are exclusive to the Moshi Monsters Egg Hunt app. Apr 18, 2013 There are no main Moshi Monsters that have names. There are the Moshlings, which are cute little creatures you can get for pets, but other than that, there are no main Moshi Monsters characters.
Posted on April 07, 2013 in Games. - Comments [30]
Down in the Candy Cane Caves you’ll find Cupcake Cavern by scrolling to the very right hand side. Click on Cupcake Cavern to play Moshi Cupcakes.
By baking different cupcakes, with difference flavours and toppings you can attract different Moshlings. These moshlings show up on the title screen. There are 15 different Moshlings to try and get.
These are: Chop-Chop, Squidge, Ecto, Dipsy, Jeepers, McNulty, Sooki-Yaki, Tiki, General Fuzuki, Shelby, DJ Quack, IGGY, Liberty, Mr Snoodles and White Fang.
The different recipies you’ll need are listed below.
Mixing the cupcake mixture:
There are two shelves of ingredients. On the left hand side are the items you must have in your mixture:
- Milk
- Sugar
- Flour
- Eggs
- Butter
One the right hand side are some addition (optional) ingredients you can add. These are:
- Vanilla flavouring
- Cocoa
- Orange
Click on the ingredient you want and then drag it into the bowl.
Once you’ve got all the required ingredients in the bowl a spoon will appear. You can continue to add the additional flavourings if you wish. Or you can start mixing your mixture!
Mixing your mixture
Once the spoon appears you can stir your mixture by clicking on the spoon and moving the mouse left and right (or in a circle if you prefer)
Once you’ve got your ingredients mixed you’ll go on to fill your cake tin!
Filling the cake tin
Now, you’ll need to fill the cake tin with the mixture you’ve just prepared.
Just click in each cake case to fill it with a spoonful of mixture. With a bit of practice you can fill the tin pretty quickly.
Miss, and you’ll splodge cake mixture all over the place. There’s no problems making a mess through! It just takes a bit longer.
Best part about this game is that you don’t need to do the washing up afterwards!
Once you’ve filled the tin, the cupcakes fo into the oven (You’ll see the timer spin round) and then we can decorate it!
Decorate your cupcake
You can only add a topping if you first put icing on your cupcake. I guess this is because they just wouldn’t stick without the icing.
Icing your cupcake
You can decorate your cupcake with five different flavours and three different styles of icing. (As far as attracting Moshlings, the style of the icing doesn’t make any difference – although the flavour does.)
Icing comes in the following flavours (Colours):
- White (Vanilla Flavour)
- Brown (Chocolate Flavour)
- Pink (Strawberry Flavour)
- Blue (Blueberry Flavour)
- Green (Slime Flavour)
The different styles of icing are:
- Thin Splat Icing
- Medium Swirl Icing
- Big Swirl Icing
Once you have chosen your icing the next things to do is add toppings. (You don’t have to add toppings, it’s up to you!)
The following toppings are available:
- Cherry
- Slopcorn
- Star Candy
- Scummi Worm
- Chocolate Chip
- Sludge Fudge
- Barfmellow
- Nut
Moshi Monsters Pets Names Free
Once you’ve decorated your cupcake, click on “done” to see which Moshling is attracted to it.
Cupcake recipies to attract Moshlings
The following recipes will help you attract each of the 15 different Moshlings. There are other combinations that will work, but I’ve tried to make these as simple as possible.
Note: When it comes to the topping, you only need to put one item of each topping listed.
- Flavouring: None
- Icing: White (Vanilla)
- Topping: Nut
- Flavoring: None
- Icing: White (Vanilla)
- Topping: Slopcorn.
- Flavoring: Cocoa
- Icing: Brown (Chocolate)
- Topping: Sludge Fudge and Chocolate Chip
- Flavour: Vanilla
- Icing: White (Vanilla)
- Topping: Barfmellow
- Flavour: None
- Icing: White (Vanilla)
- Topping: Star Candy, Sludge Fudge
- Flavour: Cocoa
- Icing: None
- Topping: None

- Flavour: Cocoa
- Icing: Pink (Stawberry)
- Topping: None
Moshi Monsters Pets Names 2017
- Flavour: None
- Icing: Blue (Blueberry)
- Topping: Cherry
General Fuzuki:
- Flavour: None
- Icing: Green (Slime)
- Topping: None
- Flavour: None
- Icing: Green (Slime)
- Topping: Fudge
DJ Quack:
- Flavour: Orange
- Icing: White (Vanilla)
- Topping: Scummi Worm
- Flavour: none
- Icing: White (Vanilla)
- Topping: None
- Flavour: None
- Icing: White (Vanilla)
- Topping: Star Candy
Mr Snoodles:
- Flavour: Orange
- Icing: White (Vanilla)
- Topping: None
White Fang
- Flavour: None
- Icing: White
- Topping: One of each!