This is a category page for Season 3 Missions. This is a category page for Season 3 Missions.
Posted on February 24, 2013 in Super Moshi Missions. - Comments [12]
The Poppet missions, The Unusual Suspects are open to everyone (you don’t have to be a member), just as long as you’re level 2 or higher.
If you’re still level 1, just pop along to puzzle palace and do the daily challenge. You’ll soon be a level 2!
To start the various parts of the mission you need to click on the button in the top right hand corner of your home (just under the BFF tab.)
This multi-part mission is pretty simple and doesn’t have any EPICS to collect.
Part 1 – A Poppet With A Problem
You start the mission outside the Super-Moshi volcano. You’ll see Poppet. Click on Poppet to start a conversation.
Moshi Monsters Season 2 Ep 4
“Oh it’s a Super Moshi!” says Poppet. “Can you help me?”
You’ve got a choice here. Click on “Yes, sure!” (Clicking on No, not yet.” Doesn’t get you anywhere. You just have to start the conversation again.
“Monsterific” says Poppet.
“I received this Valentine’s day card, but I have no idea who sent it!”
You’ll see a picture of the card. It had the following rhyme in it.
Timo is RED
Snookums is BLUE
are fixed firmly on You!
“I was told to show the envelope to the *Datekeeper?” Poppet explains. “But I can’t find it here.”
“I will try my best to help you!” you say.
“Maybe the Gatekeeper” will know about the *Datekeeper you say to yourself.”
The Gatekeeper is the statue that stands outside the volcano. Scroll to the right and click on the Gatekeeper
“Hello Gatekeeper! Do you know where the Datekeeper is?” you ask.
“Oh you seek the Datekeeper do you?” replies the Gatekeeper. “Wait just one moment.”
With that the Gatekeeper sinks into the ground and the Datekeeper (a rather pink version of the Gatekeeper) rises out of the ground.
“Well hellooo there! My cousin said you wanted to see me?” says the Datekeeper.
There’s a couple of questions you can ask here.
Ask “Are you related to the Gatekeeper?”
“We are indeed! He talks to me about all his problems!” the Datekeeper explains.
Ask “Can you help with this anonymous valentine’s card?”
“Ohh someone has an admirer! feed me the card!”
“Let’s feed the Valentine’s Card to the Datekeeper” you say to yourself.
Open your inventory and drag the Valentines Card onto the Datekeeper.
The card will slide into the keepers mouth and then she’ll talk…
“From the cosmic stars of Valentine, it could be any of these monsters!”
You’ll now see the suspect list with 9 different monsters on it. You can cross off monsters when you work out the clues to narrow your search down to the one monster who sent the card.
You don’t have any clues yet, so click on the “x” to close the suspect list.
“But I cannot figure out the paragraph.” the Datekeeper says.
“Someone who is well travelled might be able to help.” she suggests.
“Well travelled? I know a Poppet that can help!” says Poppet.
“Poppet is in the Gombala Gombala Jungle, you should go see her!” Poppet suggests.
“Also when you find out which it is please give them my friendship card!”
“Time to go to the Gombala Gombala Jungle!” you say.
Then, in an instant, you find yourself in the Jungle!
The Gombala Gombala Jungle
Scroll to the right and you’ll see a Poppet with a net with a Gabby Moshling standing next to it.
Click on the Poppet to start the conversion.
“Hi Poppet! Can you help me?” you ask.
“Super Moshi! Sure how can I help?” Poppet responds.
“I am searching for clues for who could have written this! Can you take a look at this letter?”
“Ok! Let me have a look at the letter.”
Open your inventory and drag the Valentine’s Card onto Poppet to give it to her.
The conversation resumes.
“I need to take a closer look, but I’m doing some important research!” Poppet explains.
“Help me finish my research, while I examine the letter!”
“Talk to Gabby she can tell you about my research!”
Close your inventory, and click on the Moshling Gabby to start another conversation.
“Super Moshi! Checkout my new Monstagram app :)” says Gabby.
“I’m using it to take photos of Wild Frogs for Poppet’s research!”
You’ll now see a close-up of Gabby’s screen. There’s a bunch of apps displayed.
Click on the large eyeball looking icon (with Monstagram written underneath it.)
“Look, 1 frog is over there!” says Gabby. who then wanders off to the right.
“Click on the red frog to Monstagram it!” explains Gabby.
Click on the red frog just above where Gabby is standing and the Moshling will take a picture. You’ll see the picture taken on Gabby’s display. Click on the “X” to close the display.
“LOOK! Another frog just appeared _” says Gabby.
If you look to the left, you should now see a green frog, just below the path.
“Monstagram it when this frog’s mouth is open!” instructs Gabby.
A little harder this time. Watch the green frog (You’ll see it flash yellow when you need to click on it to take the picture). Click on the frog when it’s mouth is open.
Gabby takes another picture and you’ll see the frog displayed on Gabby’s display. Click on the “x” again to close.
This time the screen will scroll to the right where we’ll see a strange blue frog jumping in and out from behind a tree. You can guess what you’re going to have to do here can’t you!
“Look there’s a rare blue spotted frog”, says Gabby, but he’s missing his twin.”
We need to find it’s twin though. We’ll need to click on the Bongoniums (The pink drum shaped plants).
“You found the other twin! Monstagram them both together” says Gabby.
Now you’ll need to wait until the frog jumps out of the tree and click on them to take a picture of the two side by side. The easiest way to do this is to click on the frog that isn’t moving!
If you get it right, you’ll see a picture on Gabby’s screen of the two frogs. It might take a couple of attempts to get it right.
“Great job Super Moshi” says Gabby. “We’ve monstagramed all the frogs we need!”
At this point a conversation with Poppet starts.
“Ok, so the paragraph mentions both eyes!” says Poppet. “The monster who wrote this must have two eyes! Does this help you?”
The suspect list will appear again, this time with a clue written down on it: “1. Two Eyes”
“I can click the monsters that don’t have two eyes to cross them off.”
So, looking at the 9 monsters, you have to click on any monster that doesn’t match the clue – any with more or less than two eyes.
Click on Roary Scrawl and Ratty as we know it can’t be them.
The conversation with Poppet continues.
“I also found this piece of hair in the envelope.” says Poppet. “Take it to a Poppet at the observatory, she can look at it for you!”
“Thanks Poppet!” you say.
“Time to go to the observatory!”
This is the end of part 1 of the mission. The first time you play this you’ll get 200 XP.
Part 2 – Stars In Their Eyes
This part is pretty short and I think if it was a standalone mission people would be a little disapointed but I guess we should jufge all three parts as a single mission.
Part 2 starts with a quick recap of the first part.
“Previously… A poppet with an admirer needed your help… The Datekeeper worked some magic… And came up wit ha list of possible admirers. A quick trip to the Jungle… An encounter with an adventurous Poppet uncovered… the very first piece o the puzzle. Perhaps someone at the Observatory… Can reveal more…”
You start the mission in the Observatory. There’s a poppet there.
“Hello Super Moshi!” she says.
Click on the Poppet to start a conversation.
“Hello Poppet, I need your help!” you say. “Can you tell me anything about this piece of hair?”
“Sure! Give it to me for a closer look!” she says.
Your inventory will open now, so drag the Mystery Hair onto Poppet to give it to her.
“Oh this will take me a few minutes to analyse!” says Poppet.
“I’m in the middle of researching some Moshling constellations! Please help with the Moshling constellations, while I analyse this hair.”
Poppet instruct you to “Use the telescope!”
Click on the telescope
Constellation Quiz
When you click on the telescope you’ll start the Constellation quiz. Here you need to identify which Moshling the constellation you can see in the telescope looks like.
“Try to guess which Moshling is in the constellation”
For each constellation you have three choices. When you select the right Moshling the outline of the constellation will be completed. It doesn’t matter if you get some wrong, you can keep picking names until you get the right one.
The correct Moshlings are:
- Q1: Lady Meowford
- Q2: Shi SHi
- Q3: Stanley
When you’ve identified all three Poppet will say “Looks like you found it a bit hard!” or of you got them all right first time, “Looks like you answered all of them easily!” How did you do?
Click on Poppet to talk to her again.
“I’m not quite done yet.” she explains. “How about you play *Space Glenn” while you wait!”
Poppet tells you to “Click on the arcade machine.”
Play Space Glenn
Click on the arcade machine and you’ll get the Space Glenn title screen. It’s a pretty simple game, all you need to do is eat the star snacks and avoid the meteorites.
When you click on play you’ll find yourself whizzing around the the rings of a moon. There are three lanes which you can jump between by pressing the left and right arrows keys.
As you eat the stars you’ll see the meteor indicator gradually light up. If you get hit by a rock it’ll go back down.
The key is to concentrate on not getting hit. If you keep dodging the rocks you’ll get enough stars eventually.
Once you’ve got enough stars you’ll be presented with a screen that reads:
“You are good at this game… and probably other games too!!!”
Click on the “Continue” button.
“I’m finished with the hair!” Poppet tells you.
Click on Poppet to start a conversation.
“I have finished analysing this mysterious hair.” says Poppet. “My conclusion is that it came from a tail.”
The Suspects list will now appear.
“I should click to cross off monsters with (no tail*.”
Clue 2, “Has a tail” will also be added to the clues list.
Click on the following monsters to cross them off the suspects list as we know they don’t have a take.
- Guiseppe
- Mustachio
- Bubba
- Suey
This leaves Raffles, Shrewman and Yo Yo as possible suspects.
Back in the Observatory, Poppet tells you “Super Moshi, I also found small fragments of sand in the envelope!”
“There’s a poppet on Bleurgh Beach who can help!”
And with that the second part finishes. Told you it was quick! The first time you compete the part you’ll get 200 Rox.
Part 3 – A Shore Thing
Part three again starts with a quick reminder of the story so far:
“Previously… At the observatory you met a geeky Poppet… And after some stellar star gazing… You found the next clue and a destination too..”
And with that we find ourselves on Bleurgh Beach.
“I’m melting. It’s soooo hot!” says a Poppet wearing pair of sunglasses.
Click on Poppet to start a conversation.
“Hi Poppet can you help me?” you ask.
“I would love to, but I’m so hot I can’t think straight!” replies the Poppet. “A hat would certainly give me some shade!”
The conversation ends and we’re back on the beach.
“Let’s see if I can find Poppet a hat” you say to yourself.
Talk to the beach hut monster
The screen scrolls to the right to a blue monsters standing outside a hut.
“Maybe this monster can help us?”
Click on the monster to start a conversation.
“Hi there!”
“G’day! I’m Baz Barnacle, how you travellin’?” says the monster.
You have a choice here. Click on “What are you doing here?”
“I’m opening my new shop, here on Bleurgh Beach!” explains Baz Barnacle. “But the storm’s wrecked my sign and I can’t open up yet!”
Now click on “May I have your hat?”
“I’m pretty attached to my hat. But my shop’s got plenty!” replies Baz. “Hang on.. If you do me a favour, I can help you with the hat!”
“A storm came by and threw my sign into three bits across the beach!” explains Baz.
“The first bit is on top of that tree!” The screen scrolls to the left to show a sign stuck in the leaves of a palm tree.
“I think that bit is stuck in Gail Whale’s blow hole!” Again, the screen scrolls to show us a piece of the sign stuck rather uncomfortably in the unfortunate whale.
“Herman Crab won’t get off that bit of sign!” And the screen scrolls all the way to the right to show Herman sitting on a sign piece, using it as a bridge to his sandcastle.
“Collect those bits of sign and fix it up, and I’ll sort your hat out mate!”
Collect Baz’s sign pieces
Right, let’s try and get the piece from the tree first. Click on the piece of sign stuck in the tree.
“That sign is too high to reach” you say to yourself. “If only I had something long to reach it.”
We need to find something to knock it out of the tree. Scroll to the right, and you should notice an oar lying in the sand next to Baz’s beach hut. It’s got a little star fish on it.
Click on the oar to pick it up.
“A long oar, good for reaching to high places!” you say.
Now scroll back to the left and open your inventory. Pick the oar up and drop it onto the tree.
The oar will break, but it will knock the piece of sign down.
Click on the piece of oar to pick it up.
“Looks like the oar broke when I poked the sign down.”

Click on the piece of sign to pick it up.
“That’s the middle part of the sign collected!”
Now let’s try and get the piece of sign from the crab. Scroll all the way to the right to where the crab is guarding his sandcastle.
Click on the piece of sign.
“I need to find a replacement for Herman’s bridge.” you say. “Maybe there’s some wood I could use?”
Remember the piece of oar?
Open your inventory and drag the piece of oar onto Herman the crab.
The oar will form a new bridge and Herman will scuttle to the side to stand over the piece of oar. This means we can now take the sign.
Click on the sign piece to pick it up.
Scroll to the left until you see the whale with the sign sticking out of it. Click on the sign.
“The sign is stuck in Gail the Whale’s blow hole!” you say. “Poor Gail!”
To get the piece of sign out we need to make Gail sneeze. To do this we need a feather so we can give her a tickle.
Scroll to the right a little and you should see a bottle floating in the sea, just to the left of the sandcastle. There’s a feather in it.
Click on the feather to pick it up.
“A feather, good for tickling and making things sneeze!”
Open your inventory and drag the feather onto the whale.
The sign will be blown out and land right next to you on the beach.
“Look! She blew out the sign!” you say, “I can pick up that sign!”
Click on the sign to pick it up.
Give Baz the fixed sign
“I’ve got all the signs, I should give these back to Baz!”
Open your inventory again, and drag a piece of sign onto Baz. The Sign will appear on top of the beech hut, fixed of course!
Baz starts a conversation.
“Excellent you fixed my sign!” he says. “Well a promise is a promise, here’s your hat!”
“I better tidy me shop for the grand opening! See you later mate!”
Give Poppet her hat
Back outside again.
“I have a hat for Poppet, let’s give it to her.”
Drag the hat out of your inventory and give it to Poppet. A conversation will then start.
“Thanks Super Moshi, I feel much better with my hat!” she says. “So how can I help?”
“Have you seen any new monsters on Bleurgh Beach recently?” you ask.
“Hmm I did see a monster wearing green a day ago!” she replies.
With that, the list of suspects appears.
“I should cross off monsters who are not wearing green!”
With this third clue we can now cross off Raffles and Shrewman. Just click on them to cross them off.
This just leaves YoYo. The answer is YoYo!
Give the friendship card to YoYo
Back on the beach again.
Poppet says “Look, there’s the green wearing monster!”
“Let’s give YoYo *Poppet’s friendship card.” you say as the inventory opens automatically.
Drag Poppet’s card onto YoYo to give it to him. You’ll get a little animation of the card.
“Poppet wants to be my BFF?” asks YoYo. “That is AWESOME!”
YoYo takes his hood off and looks at his hair in a little mirror and then puts his hood back on.
Now you’ll be shown the YoYo The Creative Coyote’s details and asked if you want to keep the Moshling or set it free. I think we’ll keep it!
With that the mission finishes.
Posted on April 13, 2013 in Super Moshi Missions and Season 3. - Comments [38]
This mission is split into three parts. You’ll get 200 XP, 200 Rox, Free Moshling (Marcel)
From the Daily Growl: “The Choco Refinery has stopped production, and there’s a shortage of choccie eggs in Monstro City. Super Moshis should log in now to help fix the refinery and get to the ooey gooey center of this chocolate-coated mystery!”
Part 1 – An Eggcentric Beginning
First Appeared: March 28th 2013
(There’s one Epic you can get during this part.)
This mission starts in the Super-Moshi HQ. You’re talking to Elder Furi about the recent disappearance of chocolate eggs from Monstro City.
“Super Moshi! Have you heard the news about the chocolate eggs?” asks Elder Furi.
Click on “I’m not sure?”
“There is a shortage of chocolate eggs! Something doesn’t seem right! You should investigate the Chocolate Refinery on Main Street.” says Elder Furi.
“If you find any chocolate eggs, bring me back one!”
Get into the Chocolate Refinery
We find ourselves at the end of Mail Street, outside the Daily Growl where the Roakers are working outside the chocolate factory.
In the run up to the mission, there was chocolate gushing out of the hole in the ground and the factory was pumping chocolate – but this activity has stopped now.
“There’s the enter ace to the Chocolate Refinery!” you say to yourself.
“Let’s try to go in!”
Click on the gate with the “Keep Out” sign.
“Hey you can’t go in there!” says one of the Roakers as he starts a conversation.
“The Chocolate Refinery is off limits!” he says. “Even for a Super Moshi!”
Click on “But I’m on very important Super Moshi business!”
“We are under orders from Biggie Diddles III to not let anyone in!”
Click on “Please let me in!”
“No can do, it’s off limits!” the Roaker explains.
Click on “Why do you look so sad?”
“I’m soooo hungry!” says the Roarker. “It’s lunchtime and I’ve left my sandwiches at home!”
With that the conversation ends and you’re back on Main Street again.
Distract the Roarkers
So, it seems that if we’re going to get into the chocolate refinery then we’re going to need to sneak past the Roarkers.
“There must be a way to distract the roakers, so I can get into the chocolate refinery.” you say to yourself.
Click on the Roarker with the drill.
“Caaaaan not talk, neeeeed to to to drill!” he says.
“I wonder if Judder can help.” you say.
Judder is the drill shaped Moshling who just happens to be standing outside of the Daily Growl. That’s a stroke of luck!
Click on Judder to start a conversation.
“Hey Judder can you help me distract that roarker?” you ask.
“Dissssstact him? Why?” ask Judder.
Click on “I need to get into the Chocolate Refinery!”
“Oh oh oh, mayyyyybe you can get me some chocolate eggs!” says Judder. “Sureeeeee thiiiiing I will help!”
We’re back on Main Street again.
“Juuuust drop me onto that roarker!” says Judder.
Judder jumps into your pouch. Open your pouch and drag Judder onto the Roaker who’s got the drill.
Judder and the Roaker will vibrate themselves down the road!
“Just that hungry roarker to distract!” you say.
What’s the best way to distract the hungry roarker then? Probably by giving him a sandwich. Lucky for us, all the ingredients we need are scattered around Main Street.
We need to find the following ingredients:
- Beet Root
- Tiger Bread
- Snarlsbury Cheese
- Chocolate
- Grrkin
You’ll find the Tiger Bread just by the trap door to the left of the Daily Grown building.
The Snarlsbury can be found just to the right of the Bazarre Bazaar, next to the Elder Furi statue.
The chocolate can be found to the left of the couple having their picnic on Main Street. It’s on the left, just next to a piece of cake.
The Grrkin can be found just behind the bush to the left of the picnic couple.
The Beet Root can be easily spotted on the patch of grass to the right of the picnic couple.
As you pick up an item you say “I could use this to make a sandwich for the roarker!”
Once you get all the ingredients you’ll make a sandwich.
“This sandwich looks tasty, let’s give it to the roarker.” you say to yourself.
But before you do… there’s something else to find first!
There’s an epic to find. Click on the entrance to the underground disco (it’s the flashing tree stump with music coming out of it.) When you do, an EPIC will appear. Pick it up!
Now open your inventory and drag the sandwich onto the Roarker. He’ll start a conversation.
“Oh a sandwich! It’s time to indulge!” he says.
And we’re back on Main Street again.
“That’s both of them gone. Let’s go into the Chocolate Refinery!” you say.
Click on the gate with the Keep Out sign to enter the refinery.
Get the Chocolate Flowing
We’re in the refinery, a place full of pipes and strange machines, but nothing seems to be doing anything. The first thing we need to do is get the Chocolate Flowing again.
“So this is the refinery?” you say to nobody in particular. “Looks like the chocolate is not flowing. Let’s try to get the chocolate flowing first!”
If you look at the pipes you should notice some small stumpy rods sticking up. There are three of them.
There’s an orange one on the purple pipe at the bottom of the screen, a blue one on the purple pipe right on the right hand side of the screen and hardest to stop of all, there’s a small purple one just at the top left hand corner of the dark purple console to the left of where you’re standing.
Click on one of these rods.
“Hmm this valve is missing its wheel” you say.
If you look around you should spot three wheels. They’re round with bits sticking out all around them.
There’s a blue one on the floor in front of you, an orange one at the bottom between two purple pipes (and below the chocolate egg shaped machine) and a small purple one resting on the light green console on the left. Click on these wheels to pick them up.
“This wheel can go onto a valve.” you say.
Once you have them all, open your inventory and drag the correct coloured wheel onto the same colour valve spindle.
Turn on the Wheels
“This wheel is on! I should turn it to get the chocolate flowing.”
Don’t do this quite yet – get all three wheels on first!
Now you’ve got all the wheels in place, click on each wheel to give it a turn and start the chocolate flowing down the pipes.
Once you do this the container at the back will fill with Chocolate
“Looks like all the chocolate is flowing!”
“I wonder if I can get the machines to start making eggs again?”
Switch the machines on
If you look carefully you’ll see that the there machine consoles are now flashing with a yellow outline.
To start each machine, you’ll need to press the correct button.
All you need to do, is look at each screen to see which colour the arrow is pointing at.
The machine on the left is pointing at purple, so press the centre purple button. As you do the machine will light up!
“This chocolate making machine is ready to go!”
On the machine just to your left, click on the blue button on the right. It’ll light up too.
For the final machine, on the right hand side of the screen, click on the orange button (at the bottom).
But, it’s not chocolate that starts flowing!
Ropes appear from the ceiling and sliding down come a gang of Glumps!
“Look here squad! We caught ourselves a Super Moshi!” says the Glump leader.
“You fell straight into our TRAP!!!”
And with that, the screen fades to black and that’s the end of Part 1. We’ll have to wait until Part 2 to find out what happens next.
Part 2 – Wake Me Up Before You Cocoa
Choc-O-Dile blues starts off exactly where Part 1 ended. We’ve walked into a trap and found ourselves captued by some Glumps. As Part 2 starts, we find that we’ve been locked into a choclate egg mould. Eek!
“Good job squad!” says the Glump captain. “That mould should hold the Super Moshi!”
“You won’t get away with this!” you say in a muffled voice from within the Mould.
“Come squad we should report back!” says the captain.
“Private Fishlips! Stay behind and guard! Keep Marcel with you for company! Remember do not eat anymore chocolate! “
With that the Glumps jump on their ropes and make their way out of the refinery leaving Fishlips and Marcel behind.
Talk to the Croc Moshling
“I better be guarding that ladder” says Fishlips who then bounces over to the ladder.
Now click on Marcel, the crocodile Moshling to talk to him.
“Anyone there? I need help!” you say.
Marcel hears you and wanders over to the mould where you’re trapped.
“Oo have le glumps captured?” he asks in a French accent.
“It’s Super Moshi!” you reply.
“What is a Super Moshi doing inside an egg mould?”
A conversations starts, one where you’re represented by the egg mould within which you’re currently trapped!
“I was investigating the shortage of chocolte eggs. But then…”
Click on “I got over powered by the glumps and they put me inside here.”
“I see, that is unfortunate…” says Marcel.
Click on “Who are you?”
“I am Marcel, the mercenary glump’s chocolat adviser. Le glumps may think they love der chocolate, but they do not appreciate true quality! I hate working with le glumps!”
Click on “Help me get out of this egg mould!”
“Escape? That would be trouble but then again I hate working with le glumps! Tell you what, I like a monsture who likes le chocolat. If you show good knowledge of le chocolae, I can help you?”
Click on “Ok sure!”
EPIC – An EPIC will appear next to Marcel if you answer all these questions right first time. It’s not too hard!
“Ok my first question… Which bean is chocolat made from?”
Click on “Cocoa bean.”
“Oui! That is correct!”
“My second question… Which of these is not a type of chocolat?”
Click on “Grey Chocolate.”
“Bon! That is correct!”
“My last question. Chocolate is normally in the form of a…”
Click on “Chocolate bar”
“Ah qui, you do know your chocolat.” says Marcel. Ok I will help you escape!”
The conversation ends and we’re back in the refinery.
“Le glump guard will need to be distracted somehow.” says Marcel.
“Le filler is starting up, it will inject le chocolat into the mould”
Uh-oh! Sounds like trouble! We better get out of there quick!
“I should be quick. Le Super Moshi will be covered in chocolat!” says Marcel.
Before you do anything else, pick up the EPIC!
Distract the glump guard
Now, do you remember how Fishlips was told not to eat any more chocolate? Well, the reason why is that if we feed him some more chocolate he’ll get sleepy and fall asleep.
Luckily for us, there are some Chocolate eggs (5 in fact) hidden around the refinery.
Click on the first egg, at the bottom of the ladder that Fishlips is guarding.
“A Chocolat Egg! Maybe le glump would like this.”
Don’t worry about giving it to the glump just yet. Let’s get our hands on some more eggs first.
Click on the yellow egg just behind the pip below where Marcel is currently standing.
“A Chocolat Egg! Maybe le glump would like this.”
You’ll find the third egg on the right hand side of the screen. It’s just behind the blue value just to the right of the egg mould.
“A Chocolat Egg! Maybe le glump would like this.”
The next egg can be a little tricky! It’s at the back of the factory, just behing the area of the screen where Marcel’s speech bubbles appear. It’s just at the end of the purple pipe.
“A Chocolat Egg! Maybe le glump would like this.”
(I think we get the point Marcel!)
The last egg is at the top of the screen, resting on the blue pipe that is currently flowing with chocolate.
“A Chocolat Egg! Maybe le glump would like this.”
Yes. yes. We know!
Now open your inventory. You should have five different types of chocolate egg.
Drag one of the eggs out and onto the glump.

Marcel walks across to the glump and give him the egg.
“Chocolate eggs? I shouldn’t really… but if you insist!” says Fishlips.
He pulls up his balaclava and eats the egg.
“Feeling sleepy but so delicious! Give me more!”
“He said he was feeling sleepy, I should feed him more!” says Marcel, just in case we weren’t paying attention!
Open your inventory again and drag the next egg onto Fishlips.
Fishlips eats the egg, growing bigger (and hopefully sleepier) as he does.
“Marcel you do spoil me!”
Open your inventory and give the Glump the next egg.
“Tastes soooo good!” says Fishlips.
“Please hurry, I can smell the chocolate!” says your Super Moshi from inside the Mould. Have you noticed that the filler machine has been filling up with chocolate! Eek! We’re going to end up as the filling in a novelty chocolate egg!
Open your inventory again and give the Glump the next egg.
“I could do with a nap right now..” says Fishlips.
“Le chocolat is getting really close!” says Marcel, noticing how full the chocolate filler machine is getting!
Open you inventory one last time and give the Glump the last egg. It’s too much for poor old Fishlips who falls asleep with his tongue dangling out of his mouth!
“Ah le glump is asleep! I can free Super Moshi.” says Marcel who walks over to the egg mould.
Uh-oh! Looks like he’s too late. The pipe from the filler machine connects itset to the mould and starts pumping it full with Chocolate!
Once the filler is empty, the egg mould pops open to reveal a huge chocolate egg.
“Oh non non non! I need to save Super Moshi!” says Marcel.
I’ll say you do!
Click on the chocolate egg to get Marcel to use his mighty jaws to chomp away at the egg. You’ll need to keep clicking on the egg. Each time Marcel attacks the egg, more and more cracks will appear until finally the chocolate shell will fall apart and the Super Moshi will be safely released from its chocolate prison!
“Phew that was a lucky eggscape” you say!
(Harry laughed at that pun!)
A conversation starts.
“That was close! Thanks Marcel!”
“Ah do not thant me Super Moshi! I couldn’t let you get chocolated. It would have been a waste of good chocolat!”
Click on “What will you do now?”
“I don’t know, I don’t think le glumps will want me around anymore!” says Marcel.
Click on “I need to tell Biggie Diddles III about what happened!”
“Ah oui, le chocolate baron Biggie Diddles III. I can take you to his mansion.
“Great! He needs to know about those rogue glumps!”
At which point Part 2 of this mission ends.
Part 3 – Wake Me Up Before You Cocoa
Part 3 starts in Biggie Diddles’ office. He’s a large crocodile monster with a purple cowboy outfit on. He’s not too pleased with the Glumps!
“Those dopey glumps! What in tarnation did I hire them for?” he asks himself.
“Making me hightale it back ti tge refinery to sort out their tomfoolery!”
“Al least I get to eat some rootin’ tootin’ chocolate! Yee-ha!”
The screen fades to black and then the caption…
“Moments Later…”
You arrive in Biggie Diddles’ office a;pmh woth your new Moshling friend, Marcel.
“Bonjour! Monsieur Diddles III, are you there?” asks Marcel.
“This is strange, he is always here.”
Investigate the office
“Maybe you can investigate his office, so we might know where he has gone.” says Marcel.
Click on the door at the back of the screen.
“This door is locked” you say to yourself. ou know what we need to find to get through a locked door? A key!
Click on the various painings on the back wall (either side of the door) and you’ll reveal some crystals.
If you click on the tall painting just to the left of the door you’ll see the star at the top of the plant (or whatever it is) change. Click on this star to pick up a crystal.
“A Star shaped crystal, quite pointy” you say!
To the right of this pictue, at the top of the wall is another landscape picture. Click on this to reveal a triangle blue shape. Click on the blue triangle to pick it up.
“A Triangular prism, it’s quite heavy!” you say.
Now click on the smaller picture below. It’ll reveal a square shape. Click on it again to pick up a cube shaped crystal.
“A Cube crystal.” you say.
The next crystal is on the left hand side of the door. There’s a picture of some kind of deer on the top of a mountain with the moon behind it.
Click on the picture to reveal the next crystal. Next, click on the crystal to pick it up.
“A Spherical crystal, it’s very shiny!” you say.
Just for fun, click on the picture of Biggie Diddles III on the wall behind his desk.
“Biggie Diddles III sure does look menacing…” you say.
EPIC – There’s an epic to get here before we move on. You see the dar k shape on the right hand edge of the screen just infront of what looks like a map? It’s some kind of statue. Click on the head of this statue and its jaws will open to reveal an EPIC. Click on the epic to pick it up!
Anyway, where were we! We’ve now got all four of the different shaped crystals. All we have to do now is place them into the correct shaped holes. (A bit like the toys you give toddlers!).
There’s a triange, circle and square hole in the three plinths on the left, and a star shaped hole on the plinth on the right under the statue in which we just found the epic.
Open your inventory and drag the correct shaped crystal into the correct hole.
Once this is done, Marcel says “All the crystals are in, maybe you can try the switch now?”
The switch is the little purple thing just to the left of the door.
Click on the switch and a beam of laser light shoots out of the Biggie Diddles III picture. It hits the Triangular Prism and then bounces off the circular crystal, then the star and finally the cube crystal, towards the desk and reveals a key!
The Key
“Look it’s a key!” you say!
Click on the key to pick it up.
“That key will open something.” says Marcell. Wow! There’s no flies on him!
Open your inventory again and drag the key onto the door’s lock.
The door will open and out will fall a avalanche of chocolate eggs!
Both Marcel and you say “OMG!” Looks like your shocked at the discovery! A conversation starts…
“Biggie Diddles III is hoarding all the chocolate eggs for himself!” you say. “We need to stop him!”
“Oui Oui! That is not good! There’s only one place he can be…” says Marcel. “…back at le Refinery.”
And with that you return to the Refinery.
Back at the Refinery
It starts of in the dark with you and Marcel hiding in the shadows.
“Wait Super Moshi! I think I can hear Biggie Diddles III!” says Marcel.
The screen fades up to reveal Biggie Diddles and the Glumps in the Refinery.
“Sir! Private Fishlips fell asleep eating chocolate! And the Super Moshi escaped somehow!”
“And what of Marcel?” asks Biggie Diddles.
“He seems to have gone missing sir!”
“Well why am I paying y’aa filthy critters for? GO ANDFINDSUPERMOSHI!”
The Glumps quickly climb their ropes and leave.
Back in the dark again.
“I will go down there and try to keep Biggie Diddles III occupied!” says Marcel. “That will give you time to think of something to foil him!”
Distract Biggie Diddles III
The screen fades back up again to reveal Biggie Diddles III and Marcel in the Refinery. Marcel goes over to talk to Biggie Diddles. A conversation starts”
“Hot digggity! If it isn’t Moon-sir Marcel!”
“What happened to you buddy? You better have a mighty fine explanation!”
Click on “The Super Moshi broke free and I couldn’t stop him!” to respond.
“MARCEL! Yo boobed big time, you good for nothin’ gator!”
“I shall have fun molding you into a purdy lil’ chocolate statue for my office!
“WAIT! Monsieur Diddles III you can’t… “ replies Marcel.
Click on “… who would help you clean your mansion?”
“I can hire any new moshling for that!” says Biggie Diddles.
“NO wait! …”
Click on “…who would advise you on le chocolat?”
“I don’t need any more advice! It all tastes good to me!”
“NO wait! …”
Click on “…I have ideas for new chocolat flavors!”
“NEW chocolate eggs eh? What kind?” asks Biggie Diddles.
“Well there is silk worm flavor…” says Marcel. “Let me think… I can’t remember…”
Foil Biggie Diddles III
We’re back in the Refinery now, Marcel is talking to Biggie Diddles. Marcel is trying to keep him occupied by thinking of more ice cream flavours.
“You better have more good flavors…” says Biggie Diddles.
“Looks like Marcel is keeping Biggie Diddles III occupied!” you say to yourself.
“Bark Chocolat? Slopcorn flavor?” Marcel suggests.
“Your flavors sound interesting, continue!”
While Marcel talks to Biggie Diddles we need to find a way to foil his plan.
Take a look at the pipe above, which has got chocolate flowing through it. Do you notice the box with the red button on it? Put your mouse pointer on it and it’ll be highlighted in yellow.
Click on the button. (It doesn’t go into your inventory – its just attaches itself to the purple console next to you.)
“A remote control? Maybe I can use this.”
“Bubblegum? Flamin Raisins and nuts?” continues Marcel.
Click on the red button again to use it. A large version of the remote control will appear in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
Use Remote
The idea now is to use the remote control to move the chocolate machine left and right so that it is directly above Biggie Diddles and then cover him in Chocolate.
Click on the [right arrow] button twice (it’ll go past Biggie Diddles, but that’s ok)
Click on the [left arrow] button once. The machine will now be directly over Biggie Diddles.
Click on the big red button and chocolate will coat the nasty crocodile.
Talk to Biggie Diddles III
“What in the name! Get me our of this at ONCE!” says Biggie Diddles.
Click on Biggie Diddles to start a conversation.
“Not so fast!” you say. “You are hoarding all the Chocolate Eggs to yourself!”
“Yes they are MY CHOCOLATEEGGS, all MINE”
Click on “Not anymore!”
“You need to share them with all monsters!” you say. “I will make sure all the monsters of Monstro City can enjoy the eggs again!”
“Ok ok, hold onto your horses! Maybe there can be some sort of business deal” says Biggie Diddles.
“Just get me out of this.”
The conversation ends here and we’re back in the Refinery.
“Super Moshi, I cannot carry on working for Biggie Diddles III…” says Marcel. “…can I come with you?”
“Sure thing Marcel!”
Click on Marcel to pick him up.
And that’s the end of the Choc-O-Dile Blues mission. What did you think?